
This is pretty messed up when you consider that we have no idea why it happened. A miracle of nature.
This got me thinking. There was a guy who lives in northbay, and runs the local scrapyard. He was attacked by a bear one day, and so he did what any self respecting scrap salesman would do, and set about creating the worlds finest bear proof suit. I remember seeing a tv special on him, and learning that when woven in massive quantities, spider webs can make one of the stongest, lightest materials in the world. This guy has spiders that lay webs like the ones in the first link. He then harvests the silk, and turns it into super strong material. I noticed that there is a huge quantity of spiders in Northbay. Coincidence? hardly. If you read the above links, you will also learn that he claims to have invented a compund that can extract tar from sand using cold water. Such a thing would change the world forever. He claims that his research was destroyed by the FBI, and he buried some of it in a secret place. For the record, you will also learn that his current suit withstood shotgun blasts, armour peircing arrows, 19 collisions with a 3 tonne truck, and was beat upon by three bikers using bats and axes. He then jumped 150ft off of a cliff and survived. When they put his suit in a cage with a Kodiak, it tore the suit to peices. Thats power baby!
I have been working on the template.
I decided that it was time to relearn html, so I could personalize the template further.
It still doesnt meet my satisfaction, but I feel much better about it.
The eventual plan is to fill the bar at the right with links.

Thats a big bar.

You may notice a button on the very bottom of the page.
Powered by Blogger, it says.
Blogger is the software that allows me to post to this page. Using their software (free), they also offer hosting of your website (also free) and they offer you ready made templates of webpages, ready for you to insert information into. Try it yourself, it is really quite easy. I do not have the required skills or resources to design and host a webpage. Blogger has eliminated the need of resources, by providing them for free. One can do it with relatively little skill, and any skill they do aquire can only improve their page.

This isnt technically a web page.
Its a weblog.
It deatails my travels on the internet, and I also use it to get thoughts out that I need to get out. I can often more effectively explain myself when writing. There are thousands upon thousands of blogs on blogger, some good, most bad, doing much the same. Some have a political slant, some are written by talented writers, some are crammed full of links and rants, like mine. I highly reccomend checking out some of the sites on Blogger, and If you find something interesting, send it to me.

The fact remains, that it really isnt that hard to do. Goto Blogger, and the process is hardly more difficult then setting up a hotmail account. Without any knowledge of html, a very basic site is possible. In order to post links, the user is forced to learn the power of html, at its most basic level. Those skilled in html are offered customizability. Go and try it!

I read lots of blogs, and then steal what interests me.
This is a dirty way to do business.
I dont paticularly care.
I will continue to link to what I please, and If you care to see where credit is due, sort through the links at the right.
I will give credit where due WHEN due.


Ugh. that reads like it was written by a fourth grader.
I would like to relate an experience i had this summer with you. Last year, as I returned home for the summer, I knew I needed a job. My "little" brother had been working for a company called The Curb Man, a masonry company, building a verterans memorial behind the Collingwood musem, for about 2 weeks. He was being paid 10 dollars an hour, and working long days. Very physical work, and the chance to learn a trade for free. Sign me up. Thing was... Luke got the job from Chris, one of his friends that had been working for three weeks. Chris had been payed once already, in cash, after two weeks of work. Luke hadnt seen a cent, but payday was coming up. Payday came and went, and Luke was told that he wouldnt be payed until the next pay period, to keep the books clean. Simple enough, Ive had plenty of jobs like that. Sign me up, I thought. When i arrived on the site, to ask the boss for a job, I found two 19 year old boys scraping masonry glue off of 30 pound bricks. The boss was nowhere to be found, he had told them that the wall they were building wasnt straight, and that they had to do it again. For the third time.

I returned the next day to find the boss, and asked for a job. He told me to come at 7:00 the next morning, and that we worked until sundown. Fair enough.
Showed up the next day, and he produced a peice of paper, and told me to sign. I did, stupidly, and then got to work. The work was hard, but im a sadist when it comes to hard work, and I loved it. Everyday the boss showed up at 7, and left at 8, returning periodically to make sure that we werent slacking. It was the first time I had ever worked with my brother, and I have to say, that next to me... hes the hardest worker I have ever met. The boss noticed this right away, and promptly fired Chris, Lukes friend, thinking that I was a much better deal. Bigger and stronger, as well as willing to work myself to the bone for 10 dollars an hour.

It occured to me to ask for a copy of the contracts that both my brother and I had signed. He seemed annoyed, but produced it on my second day of work. When i took it home to show my parents... they were pissed. My brother hadnt even mentioned a contract, and some of the clauses contained within were unreal. A 1500 dollar training fee was due to the Curb man, upon termination of the contract. I asked the boss about this, and he told me that "some former employees had taken the training that he gave them, formed their own companies, and then unercut his contracts." Fair enough... I guess.

My mom works at the hospital. She networks. She knows many, many people in our town. She asked around, and heard bad things about the Curb man. He had trouble keeping his employees, because he had issues with PAYING his employees. Seeing the contract was the last straw. I didnt really wanna work my fourth 11 hour day in a row, and Luke sure didnt wanna work his 16th 11 hour day in a row. We decided that we would sleep in an extra three hours, and then go tell him that we quit. I made my dad promise to wait for us to get up.

He didnt. Someone fucked with his boys, so he went to the jobsite with a baseball bat. He told the curbman that he would pay us, or he would fuck him up. Fact, he had more than half a mind to fuck him up anyway. The curb man told my dad he would sue him if he hit em, and my dad left, point made. You have to remember that my dad is older. He comes from a time when respect was earned, and people that fucked with yer family deserved what he got. One of my boyscout leaders, about the same age as my dad, told me a story. A boy had been sexually abused by one of his leaders. (Not in my town) When my leader heard of this, he called the father of the boy, got in his truck and drove over to the house of the offender, and smashed the shit out of him. Broke every bone in his body, nearly killed him. Things were handled in a differnt manner in the past, and im sorry its gone. Fightin was one on one, and you took yer licks as they came.

This was the last time my dad felt himself, and were all pretty sure this was when his second heart attack was. I remember coming downstairs and seeing him at the table.. looking very gray, very old. Fixed that tho :)

Anyway... I went to ask the curbman for my paycheck (like a cocky bastard... i thought the whole thing was quite amusing.. i love revenge) and i was told that I wouldnt see a cent. Neither would Luke. Okey.. time fer the big guns.

The memorial we were building was for the verterans of all the wars weve had up to this point. My grampa is a vet. So are all his friends. So are all their friends. The memorial was to be done in time for verterans day, and there was to be a big celebration. This was all to happen two days after we quit. It was a town job, and the curb man was to be payed 200 000 dollars for it. He owed me 330 bucks, and my brother 1700 somethin. Minus prolly 50 grand for the materials, and he still comes out waaaaay on top. My mom called the mayor, who used to be our public school principal. She told him that we would goto the memorial service wearing placards that read "We are Doc Wilsons grandkids. We have not been payed for building this for you." We would be in the paper for sure, and there would be 500 odd veterans very, very pissed. We would singlehandedly ruin the whole affair, we wanted our money. The mayor had our money the next day.

My dad and my brother and I went to the ceremony to watch grampa. My dad stood on one of the walls that we built and stood there wavin and winkin at the Curb Man. My dad has a wicked sense of humor, if he ever lets you see it. He aint afraid of SHIT. Didnt stop there though. My mom called the safety board, and got inspectors onto his job site. She did this periodically throughout the summer, costing him thousands in fines. My dad had to be stopped from burning his house down, or filling his tractors full of sugar, and this seemed to calm his vengeful side. We thought we had won.

So... my mom calls me tonite. The curb man has sent me a bill stating that i owe him 4500 dollars for training and related costs. My brother got an identical bill. My mom should really stop opening my mail. Still... I worked for the fucker for three days, signed his illegal ass contract in pencil, and recieved no training whatsoever. Its not even a letter, just a bill. You owe me this much. 4500 dollars. NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS BETWEEN THE TWO OF US. Lol. Its like this man expects to recieve two cheques for 4500 dollars in the mail, no questions asked. He is quite clearly insane. I can see myself in court now.... Yer honor... I have 700 dollars in my bank account, and rent is due next week. I am a student, and this man is THE DEVIL.

My mom is pissed. He has the same type of arthritis that she does, and she knows that stress aggravates it. She does what she can to make sure the man is in constant pain. He will have to watch the next time he goes to the hospital. Everyone does eventually.

Anyway.. for the mean time... he has a toll free #. Toll Free: 1-887-455-0561. Feel free to drop him a line if yer not busy. Dont mention my name tho, as Im sure ill have to goto court eventually. I was thinkin that maybe one of those big trees on his lawn would make a good christmas tree. Dont put it past me. I come from very vengeful parents.

I just love washin my wallet. All my cards come out so nice and clean.


Youve prolly all seen these before.
Regardless. I am 46% bastard. Beat that. Take the test
If, by chance, you are female and readin my page... take the slut test instead.
I love havin a clean kitchen. I took the fuckin comet and steel wool to the whole area today... clean enough to eat off.
Nothin beats a clean kitchen. Nothin. Cept fer maybe gettin head while drivin... that makes you the man! ;)
Wish I had a car.
I gotta figure out a way to post movies. As it is, i just steal alla my links, and I have only caught shit one time. I think though, that if i link directly to movies... Ill be busted and shut down. That 15 bucks a years seems cheaper everyday.
(Have a credit card? Wanna buy me a christmas present? *nudge, nudge*)
Is there ever alot of interesting shit on the net today... or maybe procrastination beats cleanin my kitchen everytime. Who knows?
Try and tell me tho, that the evil Mr Rogers doesnt look.... well... EVIL. So evil hes EVAIL, so to speak.
Check out Evil Goatees
Like bowling? Hate cats? This might be up yer... alley. hehe.
Hard as shit tho.
What? Theres porn on the internet?
Yes... and here is a collection of sickeningly large boobies. Again... mental illness is not funny. What is funny is that these women prolly think that they are attractive.
NOT safe fer work / school.
Who says you cant be totally insane and powerful at the same time?
How would you like to be this man?
Bwaaaahahahaaaa.... disgusting. Mental illness isnt funny.
This, is being touted as an authentic letter from Osama to the united states. Could be a load of shit, could be true. Offers interesting insight on the perspective of the #1 enemy of the US of A. Maybe those of you with TVs already have heard of this... but its news to me :)
Jacked from Metafilter
And fer that smooth feel.... a little help fer shavin yer ass!
Fer any greek people readin, this is a little closer to home.
youd better do thisone
(j/k... please dont hack my site, Willy)
Cool little game fer ya'll
Just dont think you can be any good with a touch pad.
This..... is very, very interesting. I found it to be a sound theory, if in need a few minor patches.
Still well worth the read, if you have time. Explains some of the greatest mysteries of inter sexual relationships.
(I DIDNT write this... so if yer gonna be pissed, send THEM the angry email)
Merry Christmas!
From equal opportunity government of Canada.
God bless em
A man gets sent to prison and, as soon as he walks in, his huge, buff cellmate says to him, “We’re gonna play house. Do you want to be the mommy or the daddy?” After thinking about it for a minute, the man slowly answers, “Well, if I have to choose, I guess I’ll be the daddy.” “OK,” his cellmate says, “then get over here and suck mommy’s dick.”
Love it.


Holy Shit balls Batman!
Mame.dk is back online, though they aint advertising.
You have to register to download... but is it ever worth it. (To someone like me that is)
Back in the day, when emulation was just a little tiny scene with a few users playin nintendo games and such, Mame.dk was the shiznit.
Then... when emulation got outta hand, (when the geeks figured out how to emulate current systems, like the ps2, as soon as they were released) and the gaming companies unleashed hells fury on sites offering game downloads, Mame.dk was the first to fall. It was also the largest, most comprehensive, and easiest to use ROM site on the net. Try findin ROMS on the net these days. Not less you have the smarts to convert pages from other languages..... most, if not all of the english sites have been totally raped. I have no idea how Mame is able to return, in the face of all the legal troubles, and I have no idea how long they will be up. Do yourself a favour though, register, and take as many of those fuckin roms off em as you can. These are free, acrade quality games people. Anything you have ever put a quarter into, and thousands that you didnt. All for free.
Fact.. dont even register. Just use my account. Login = Raize22 Pass = roboarmy929 (they gave me that one... i quite like it)
Download as many of these as you can... even if you just plan to send em to me later ;)
I have no television damnit!

And nothin beats free ;)


Scott showed me this game this mornin
gotta love that elf talkin smack when you take too long
Yee haw!
Sorry bout the lack of updates. Havnt had a cig since sunday night. Tommorow will be one week. I have an intense, unforgiving addiction to nicotine. Its sad. Ive been havin some pretty crazy dreams lately too. Like... last night, I was in an underground mall with alla the kids from camp, as well as a whole shit load of sweet ass girls. The people in the mall were mean people, but I quickly discovered that they would back down when I got right in their faces and started yellin at em. Then the crazy shit started happenin. People started dyin left and right, and I got lost in the underground mall. Whatever was killin people was turnin em into homicidal zombies, and they were killin whatever they could get their hands on. Eventually, after runnin from the zombies fer a while, I found myself on the lowest level of the mall, with the rest of the surviving mall goers. Then it started to flood with water. I was in peoples faces yellin at em again, cause most of em didnt realize what was goin on. I managed to convince a group of em to try and make it back to the surface with me. So we did, though climbin on girders and other construction goodies, all the while listenin to people scream as the zombies ate em, or killed em, or whatever they were doin. Gettin on the bus was a good thing, cause by this time I was feelin a little tired (while sleepin!) Then the bus started drivinstraight through a forest. I have no idea what this dude was thinkin. He was mutterin somethin about a great demon chasing us. The windows smashed, we smashed, though noone but the bus driver was killed. Everyone else got out, and promptly hiked er through the forest to the nearest hotel / jewelry store. I ended up carryin some chick that was badly hurt, but jumped offa my back when we hit the jewelry store. Then all the chicks started pickin out wedding rings. I was thinkin.. sweet.. married to like 25 girls. Then my mom showed up and told me that it prolly wouldnt be a good idea. Just pick one, she said. So I did. Then we settled down in a cottage on the shore of some lake, livin with her parents. Her mom was a magic lady who trapped the demon in a bird. (This was never seen in the dream, but I sure knew when the demon popped outta the bird and tore the mom to pieces sayin.. DIE MAGIC LADY) Then the demon flew around the cottages, found an axe, and chopped my wife, or girlfriend or whatever (I didnt even know her!) into littler peices than her mom. Then the demon flew away. I talked with her dad a little after that, and he was understandably upset. I wasnt too concerned tho... I hardly even knew these people. I decided to go home to my parents house. This is where I met up with the demon for the first time. Fer like 8 or 9 hours, I had been runnin from it, and watchin it kill people and destroy things, but Id never confronted it. I picked up a 1x2 peice of wood, like 4 feet long, and bashed its fuckin face in. My dad was sittin on the back deck in a rockin chair watchin. Not much of a demon i thought, then woke up.

Lawdy lawdy... how fucked up is that? Im hopin fer a good old fashioned flyin dream tonite. Much easier to sort out in the shower.


This mornin I found a "Silverfish" on my shower curtain. What the fuck? Seriously... what the hell are these, and how do i get rid of them? Ive heard that they come up the drain, but this fucker was on the outside of the shower curtain, on the outside. I promptly crushed and flushed the little fucker. My first act of the day, prolly even before that oh so lovely mornin piss. I know nothing about these little creatures, and though Ive had only one run in sofar with them in this apartment, I have no desire to have a problem like I did with the spiders. Insects are not my forte, I am death to most insects. Fuck gods creatures, fuck everything has a place, when something infringes on my territory, it dies. We are on top for a reason. This is the closest thing I have to a phobia, thats fer sure. I remember in the summer I went campin, and Laureen couldnt believe that I needed three different types of bug sprays. Mosquitos are the worst. Not only are they small, and dont listen... they SUCK YOUR BLOOD. Not only that, but you will itch, to add insult to injury. They are the perfect "bug" as it were, and they are my sworn enemies. The guy we were campin nex to had some illegal bug spray. The kind that was 99% deet. Thats right. 99% deadly pesticide. Here... rub some on your skin.. it will keep the bugs off you. Yes please! This guy was strange... he kept takin pictures of us, and as I got drunker, I started thinkin that maybe he was gonna axe us up or somethin later. He didnt, but we did buy firecrackers, and I got to set em off into the trees and shit. Im a stupid ass when im drinkin. Yeah... so these silverfish gotta go, you see?
Didnt see 8 mile as was planned. Jenn owed me a movie ticket, and 8 mile werent playin till 9. So we went to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Good flick. I laughed my ass off, and thats pretty tough. The girls dad carries around a bottle of windex with him the whole movie. Dinner table and all. I was pissed that they didnt break shit at the wedding tho... I thought thats what greek people did. I kept thinkin.... soon they will break shit. That will be great. Soon... just a little longer. Then it ended. I coulda dealt with some breaking of the shit, thats fer sure. Still worth watchin.


Find Yer Garbage pail kid name!
Anyone member these? Haha... Mines sloshed josh. Try sellin that shit to kids these days!
Ripped from Metafilter, the meta and potatos of my web existence.
My most current Addiction.
Oldie but a goodie :)
So... I pretty much start alla my posts with So. Lol
oh well.. i never claimed to be a journalist or nothin. Those who know me well though, know that I am a video game addict, and havin no TV isnt helpin that. I play games instead of alot of things that normal people do. There are people in my program (CSTN) that are much worse than me tho, playin games in school as well as outta. Bein a poor gamer, I am also unusually picky about my games. I need good control. As a young gamer, I shunned the clunky sega genesis, for its controller was far less responsive then the nintendo. I spent an inordinate amount of my youth in the local arcade. My parents were worried, and lookin back, I WAS in there a whole lot. Learned about drinkin and drugs awful early as a side effect too. Arcades were cooler back then, and i dont just think that cause i thought they were the bomb at like 11 or 12. They used to be everywhere.. there were like 4 or 5 in collingwood. Fighting games. That was my thing. Street fighter 2 was the illinest shit ever seen at that point, at it changed the industry. It started a genre, and one that consumed me on a level few could really understand. Consoles evolved quickly, and arcades died of just as fast. The old games were left to rot, forgotten, or botched as ports to shitty consoles.

At 15, a friend introduced me to Doom. This was by far the coolest thing I had ever seen. We had to sneak into his older brothers room, and his computer played adam sandler clips for the events. I remember that :)
My mom had recently bought a computer, and I begged and begged, and recieved doom 2 for christmas. Dont even think i talked to my family that christmas, just sat in the kitchen blowin monsters away. God.. i have understanding parents. Think about it... if your children were into video games instead of hockey and soccer and such, would this please you? Prolly not. My parents were game though, for my new pursuits seemed to be forcing me to learn. To get Doom 2 to work, I had to learn to load sound card drivers, learn what 8 megs of RAM was, and learn to load himem.sys into upper memory. That led to learning DOS commands, for the sole purpose of playing computer games. Games were not so simple 5-10 years ago. You could play shitty nintendo, and blow on the cart, and stick it in, and hit reset, and swear, and try again... or you could play computer games and be forced to learn your computer as a result.

I bought my own computer in 99, and played games all year on the university T1 connection. Napster debuted, and I was one of the first on board. I was ranked in the 5000s for unreal tournament. Failed that year.

Now, I have a laptop,(12% in favor! wicked... explains some of the problems) which is less of a power house than my last box, but it still runs what i need. Video games are still important to me, but im learnin to control my addiction. (Seriously.. some kids just cannot stop playin... Kids in korea die playin everquest and starcraft!) I still enjoy fighting games, though i have discovered that a complicated interface, which i can master and manipulate is what i really crave. As such, I am rather good at the tony hawk series. Same as fightin games. Right move, right time, you win.

Video games to me are a personal challenge. Never been much at team sports, as a kid, the thought of losin terrified me. I much prefer to compete against and with myself, as I have no teammates to letdown / be brought down by. Never helped that I suck so hard at basketball. On the same note, I would prolly enjoy golf immensly, if not for the great cost.

Long enough for you? Too fuckin bad. Its my page.
When I find a game I like, I play. I play. And I master. I still play fightin games. I still play the ones i played as a 12 year old. I have found a great way to play others over the net, and get even better. I use an emulator, and play the actual games. It may be a geeky obsession, but its my obsession. Maybe I need a Tv.

Oh... and i know that a handful of people actually check this page on occasion, so heres a game I found fer Scott :)
So... I now have very little on my plate school wise. I got a whole shitpile of stuff done today, but i think its maybe a little late to be chargin into the gym and PUMPING IRON! Really.. my back hurts. Im a strange one. I actually need other people in the gym to make me work harder. Sorta like, Fuck... i know that people are lookin at me... dont be a pussy.. do all 12. I actually make sure I do 3 sets of 12 in case people are countin. Haha.. like they care. Still.. it seems to work for me, if i tend to push it a bit far sometimes. I prefer girls to guys fer spectators, but one cant be picky when lookin fer an audience. Hence the membership to the Nip gym. I live like a block from goodlife afterall ;)


So I went out last nite. Prolly had 15 beers. Im a little hung over this mornin. Not as bad as I coulda been tho, as I took precautions. Eating a huge meal before drinkin ensures that I am not hungry. Hung over and hungry can be a nasty experience. I am warm, but i am wearing the clothes i wore to the bar last nite. The collar smells like me, the chest smells like one type of perfume, the arms smell like another, and the left wrist smells like booze. I am drinkin water, and soon I will go for a hot shower. I hope then that the hangover will eb gone. The night was fun, but its prolly best it turned out the way it did. I was a mess when i got home, and i mean serious. Bleh. Thought id just rest my eyes before i went to bed. Woke up at 9 30 with a fuzzy memory. Damn you corona! damn you!
Sorrry bout the lack o updates (like anyone is reading this!) ive been rather busy. Have a series of exams this week, and am not prepared whatsoever. My final went well, I had the nessecary skills, and knew it. Seriously... i didnt freak out about that test whatsoever. Im sure ill do fine, as i answered just about every question without hesitiation. I was the first one done. Thats very important to me for some reason. I wasnt the first one done my practical, but i was top three. Clik Clik Clik. Clik Click. its like a giant race, with like forty kids trying their hardest to accomplish a set of goals, with the teacher prowlin the rows to make sure that theres no cheatin, and sayin things like... "I will give hints at the penalty of one mark in twenty minutes.. in a stern voice. Hahaahahah... i have never taken a hint. However... he stated at the begninning of the exam that I would need my cd and lab manual. Things that i didnt have. I was straight up with him, and told him so, before i even started. He stated his disbelief that i could have made it sofar in the course without a book. I told him that I had the book, but not the cd or lab manual. He laughed. Then I started thinkin. I havnt really cracked a book in any respectable sense this semester. I think I tried to read it once. Otherwise, i just looked things up as joe instructed. Havnt really hardcore studied either. I was absent for the first quarter of the course, as my dad was in the hospital. I wrote a midterm, and scored 73 percent. I wrote a quiz, and got 7 outta ten. Now, after having been there for the rest of the course, i had to write an exam worth 50 percent of my final mark. It was all so simple.


Exam worth 50 percent tommorow! aaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!
Happy Birthday to Me! aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!
225 Coronas on saturday aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!


Prepare to Pimp out yer ride
Stolen from Ebaumsworld
Got back my assignment today.. and was lookin at it. Red pen all over. Shit. Then we take it up, and I realize that I had made a whole whack o stupid little mistakes. Shit. Still... somethin wasnt right, and I added up my mark to make sure there was no mistake. Sha- Blaow! I didnt get 50 at all. He fucked up. I got a 68, which isnt that great, but still..... made my day fer sure!


Most interesting, sickest man I have read about in a while. Here.
This is fuckin awesome. Now you can mail bloody messages to everyone you know!
The rubix cube fer the new age :)
If you can do this in fourteen moves or less, Ill send you a Yes Indeedily T-Shirt! (As if anyone would want such a thing :)
Good luck suckers!
Internet only comics are what the funnies in the newspapers should be. That is theyre funny. Newspaper comics suck ass, and prolly always will, I have no idea how anyone could find that shit funny. Achewood, Dieselsweeties, Sinfest, and the sick, sick Hotendotey. Enjoy :)
Today was much better. Got a ton of shit done that needed doin. Always love when that happens. Found this neat little, hard to use program to save the streamin audio I posted earlier. Ripcast. You may have to register with download.com tho, and the evaluation value only lets you rip thirty megs of music. Boo to that. Registration is only 9.50, but I dont have a credit card. (For very good reasons :) Still... my birthday is comin up, and you (the reader) should buy it for me. I need it.

Also saw Jackass. It was.... ok. It was nice to see another jackass, as its been a long time. Still... they didnt go all out. Theyve done cazier shit, and they didnt even swear all that much. The stuff you couldnt see on TV just turned out to be stuff that you had seen on TV, done again. I liked steve o snortin wasabi tho.. Thats fuckin TOUGH.
Yeah so... I didnt do so well on my assignment yesterday. Got 50 percent, when I was sure that I had aced it. Fuck. It was such a bad day. I didnt want to get out of bed at all, and was groggy the whole mornin. It was remembrance day, and people just didnt seem to givin enough respect in my opinion. I had my moment of silence outside, and found myself annoyed with the sounds of trucks screamin by, and people comin out fer a smoke. I know the world cant stop fer rememberance day, not even fer two minutes, but I really think it should. Most of us have no idea of what war is like, the horrifying acts that we, as humans are capable of inflicting on one another. Weve been protected from that by both a large ocean, and through the efforts of those willing to sacrifice them for a better future. When that world ended, the world changed... either for the better or the worse, but it changed, and it resonates still. So I came home and slept. Fer four hours. I did nothin at all, I just wanted yesterday to end. And and nine thirty that evenin, it did.


K, so its becomin more and more obvious that downloadin Mp3s is fer suckers. There isnt anything thats worthwhile since the death of auidiogalaxy, since partial downloads suck, Kazaa is fulla spyware and viruses, and eventually, youll sit in front of the screen, havin no idea what do download next. That sucks. Audio galaxy used to point me in the next direction, and I got waaaaay more music than I had ever thought I could. Fuck the music companies. Fuck em in the bum.

Ive tried listenin to streamin audio, and though somtimes it was alright, the quality either sucked, or the selection sucked, or both. Found a solution today, in the form of beatbasement. Ive been playin it fer like 4 hours now, non stop, and havnt been disapointed as of yet. 7L and Esoteric on a stream? Yes please :) Yer gonna need winamp to play these, and you cant keep em... but no longer do I have to deal with fuckin P2P anymore. Awwwwwww yeah.
Pure Insanity

This is some of the craziest shit I have seen in a long time. Kittens with superimposed mouths singin and playin instruments. Ripped from Rathergood.comThe real insanity comes when you start clickin on the links to the left. Like this, (Make sure you press the "z" button and hold it!) and this. This guy is truly twisted.


Teenage Gerbil Bikers From Hell
Random Goodness ripped from Joe Cartoon
Ok.. so we went to Fionns last nite, and it was a great time. Real beer makes one hungover tho, something that Im not used to after drinkin homebrew for like 7 weeks. Felt like shit this mornin / afternoon. Puked in the bar last nite too. Patty bought three boilermakers, and made kev, scott and me drink em. Had no idea what it was till I started chuggin. Boo fer mixin rye and beer. So I stopped drinkin, after realizin what it was, and thought ok... Ill just take it slow. Tipped my glass again, and this girl that was sittin above me thought it would be smart to tip my glass into my mouth. Turns out it wasnt that smart, and I leaned under the table, and puked up the contents of the drink. Went to the bathroom and washed my hands (puked on one of em), came back, and resumed my drinkin. I wasnt really sick, I had only had three beers at that point. The girl that had tipped my glass refused to talk to me fer the rest o the night. Did I ever feel like a chump. Lol.... no more boilermakers fer me :)


Polly wanna crackerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
If you cant do that, dont fuck with me. Im a yogah. Im a yohguy.
Im am the source, I am the guy, I yo gal, I yo guy.

Download Unwritten Law... Raliegh Soliloquy. Funny shit.. Hes rather insane, in a rather sane sorta way ;)
annoyed by popups, scams and the like while you browse?
Heres a list of things compiled by metafilter users, that help. They really do... check em out.
poker in the front and liquor in the rear!
aaaahahaha.... thanks tye
Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker :)
This guy makes the bestest etch a sketch drawrings ever!
I seen him on Ripley's believe it or not one time.
I was lookin through my junkmail box today, and saw I had one from someone named cupid. Seemed legit enough, so I opened it. It prompted me to enter more email adresses, so that I could find who has a crush on me. Im a sucker fer these things, and I ended up enterin all of the email adresses I could think of, alla the adresses in my adress book, and even made some up to pad the list. Still no match. Soooo... if you got one o these emails, it was from me. Hopefully they will sell the adresses, and you will all get more spam tellin you how to make yer dick bigger. Oh well.. I guess Ill never know who my internet admirer is. Ill live.
Weird Facts

1) The average person spends two weeks of their life kissing!

2) The spray WD-40 got its name because there were forty attempts needed before the creation of the water displacing substance!

3) Colgate faced a big obstacle marketing toothpaste in Spanish speaking countries. Colgate translates into the command go hang yourself!

4) A person uses approximately fifty-seven sheets of toilet paper each day!

5) A toothpick is the object most often choked on by Americans!

I dunno about the 57 sheets of TP tho... that seems like an awful lot in my opinion

Goin to get ripped tonite at Fionn Macools. 10 Dollar jugs and open mike night. What a combo. Seriously though, I cant remember one single time that Ive been to Fionns that I havnt had a blast. No school tommorow either... made sure that I had alla my work done today. What a good boy. I imagine Ill be rough in the mornin, so I took precautions.
So I went to the gym yesterday, fer the first time in like 4 months. There was a ton o ppl there, not like I remembered. There was girls, runnin on their treadmills, which is always nice, (and one o the reasons I wanted a membership there) but there seemed to be an inordinate amount of ripped lookin little italian guys too. Sucky. And all the machines were taken when I walzed in, cept fer one. So I was like... guess Ill use this one then... I guess Ill have to find a better time to go. Im sure sore today, but soon Ill be a level 6 marine! Bwahahahahaaaaaa
Happy birthday Scotty!


Pizza is good... thats a given. Pizza topped with sauteed mushrooms in garlic, and parmesan cheese is better than good.
And dont you ferget it.
Whoa.... This might have been cool if his parents werent fitness trainers. Im sure this kid has a real happy home life ;)
See Little Hercules!
Ass Hunter!

In this one, you gotta walk through the jungle, and shoot the naked homos. If you dont, you get plugged in the bum, and yer guy go's aaaaaaaaoooooooooohhh!
Play it here
(Ripped from ebaums world)
Fuck fuck fuck.

So I took the bus up to the school today to get the card I need in order to goto the gym. I went yesterday, and was told that greg had already gone home. Fine, I thought. Hes gone home...early Monday, and hes the only one thats has the authority to make the card I need. Ill come back tommorow. So I go today. Hes gone home sick, Im told, at ONE FUCKIN THIRTY IN THE AFTERNOON. What a rinky dink fuckin school. Back tommorow I guess, madder still.
Ever wanted to be someone else? Maybe not... but is worth a laugh:
Play Brad: The game!
Ohhhhh golly... did I every find the jackpot of seriously sick shit.
I think Id better get to bed while I can. Heres a little taste.
Bored? Fuck up yer dick!

This is sick... and i debated it... but its sick... and the internet would be boring without the occasional bit of really sick shit.
Found some sweet ass bruce lee flash vids. They take pictures of his head, stick it on a flash body, and then he beats on other flash people. All the while makin crazy bruce lee sounds. My favorite is here. You gotta wait a little while for it to load, and then click the japanese characters when shit stops happenin. Watch how long that big fucker stomps that little fucker fer! aaaaaahahahaha Oh yes... and I found these MY OWN DAMN SELF.. so lay off bitches.


Oh my fun for hours
Ripped from metafilter
Fuckola. I have been informed that I may no longer simply rip links off of other sites without providing a link back to the site it was found on, and giving credit where due.
So I can no longer appear to pull these links outta my ass. Well... fer the most part, mosta my links have been ripped directly off of Metafiler, which, you may notice, is listed under daily visits, right under google. Most of the pictures were found using the mostly useless google image search, and ripped directly from the pages where they sat. Noone visits yer stinkin pages, and noone visits this page. Get a life. The people that do visit arent likely to click on every fuckin link anyway. Life a get, you dyslexic futhermuckers.
Ive added a permanent link to Cliff Yablonski's page. He hates everything, and is damn funny doin it. Its under Reccomended.

Hers a little excerpt from his site.. enjoy:


11-04-2002: i have decided to update my high quality Interweb screen sight because I went onto this Interweb the other day and realized everything else was just shitty as hell and this websight is the only good thing here in the entire universe, so I updated it with five pages of you mouthbreeding shitflingers that I really want to bash apart in the middle of traffic. so read it and weep, all you fat computer machine nerds out there working for Windows Inc. or IBM.

aaaaaahahahahaha... mouthbreeding shitflingers!

Micro$oft... Bow Down To Our Money, Peon!!!

Seven reasons the X-box can suck it :)
Ripped from The best site in the world... well worth the time :)
So I Was Just Shittin There, Thinkin To Myself..

Damn.. is this ever funny.. I hope its real :)
So I'm sittin in the bus shelter today, waitin fer the college bus. As im sittin there, I notice a tall blonde get offa one of the busses. Sweet. She sits down in the same bus shelter as me. Sweet. She lights up a smoke. In the bus shelter. The enclosed with glass bus shelter. Not sweet. I guess she didnt notice the NO SMOKING signs on every fuckin glass panel of the shelter. Sweet Jesus thats ignorant. Soooo... I have decided to make a list of all of the things that I hate. thingsihate.blogspot.com is taken tho, as well as most of the interesting names, so I think I'll just link to it from here. Under reccomended maybe.
Me Love You Long Time

Heres a nifty little guide to Gettin Laid in Japan
Just in case ;)
Got Warts?

I wonder if this will work.... not that I have any warts... but its interesting nonetheless
Free Things On The Internet? Oh... We Cant Have That....

This is relevant... and worth the read. Someone out there... the greedy fuck... has decided that free things on the internet should be no longer.
Money money money. Suck it.
I Gots My Edumacation At Nip U!

So.... today im gonna give that money grubbin Nipissing University another $200. Like I havnt given enough money in the past. I went there fer two years, had no idea what I wanted to do, and eventually ended up enrollin in a college computers course. The two schools share many of their facilities, and in my second year there, Nipissing completed its very own, brand spankin new gym... fer its students only. I helped to pay fer the construction of that building, but I'm not allowed to use it now, cause I'm a canadore student. Fuck them. Still.... their gym has better equipment, showers, is clean, and theres always a half dozen girls pluggin away at the treadmills. Besides.... Im here all year, and the membership will last just as long. Fer $200. Cant beat it really, but I'm a big jew when it comes to givin that school more money... It seems to be all that they care for.
Fuck the education and the students... we needs to get paid.
Use Wisers Instead of Beer!

This is what im gonna eat tonite :)
Yay chilli
Note: Too mcuh garlix can fux shist up.


Your Teachers Would Rather You Watch Tv

My weekend was great. I find going home can ease my soul, and remind me of who I truly am.
My brain is a wee bit tired tho, stemmin from a late night, and I dont think I have the capacity to post anything meaningful
Instead....Computers are making our children stupid!
What utter garbage.


I am returning home once again for the weekend, and so I may or may not and up updating this page. (Not like anyone cares but me... snicker)
My dad is still recovering from his bypass, and will need to to do several things around the house. It is always nice to get home, and get my mind right as well.

I missed the bus home from school this afternoon (Canadore College in the big ole' N Dot), so I have 20 minutes to burn, and im findin this blog thingy kinda fun. Ill post the stuff that I find on other Blogs and sites, and just steal em, and relay em here. This way I have a comprehensive journal of my web travels, and perhaps one day, may even attract some readers :) Keepin a journal may turn out to be good for me, if I can keep the honesty level high.