
Merry Christmas... dont forget to say happy birthday to Jesus today... everyone always forgets that guy.


Yee haw.. Goin home fer three weeks. I love it and I hate it at the same time. Things always seem different when I come back, and this time my parents are planning on driving me up. My apartment is clean and ready to go. Finished a monster exam... that really werent so monster at all. Writing a test fast may make me seem knowledgeable to some, but its really just my way of dealing with exam stress. Get it over with, feel sure about what you are writin down. It wasnt as hard as I thought it would be. Said Merry Christmas to the class after I left, even tho we arent supposed to talk. Just spreadin the cheer. The years are moving faster now, christmas and new years 2002 are fresh in my mind. Holidays are always happy around our house, though it will be an adjustment living with my new dad, as well as his new diet. Living with my brother is always hard, but this year I resolve to be passive in the situation. Got a whole whack of New Year's resolutions, I will strive to make 2003 my best year yet.

This year I hope to find faith in something other than technology. I hope to be able to push myself to get back into peak physical condition. Self empowerment.
I also hope to secure regular employment for my time at home. I know I can work at the bar, but that is nights only, and I should be able to pick something up for the daytime. Fuck it... ill shovel snow. Show me the money. I gotta leave behind what displeases me about my life in 2002, and shape a new future for 2003 and beyond.

Bring on the Christmas Holidays!


The modem got unlugged.
I am a geek.


Evil Kitty! Not fer epileptics... not fer anyone, fer that matter

Boobsag Hate boobsag myslef. Dagnabbit son of a monkey spank

Mr Taliban person! Worth the click just to see mr bean dressed up in a turban :)

Hangaroo Seriously fun fer prolly 15 minutes. Hang man never gets old.


It was so cold today... my eyes froze shut when walklin fer change to do laundry. I remember when my family lived here, and walkin to school in Kindergarden, and cryin the whole way, only to have my tears freeze my eyes shut. This eye freezin thing has never happened to me, other than in Northbay. Sometimes I hate this city. I have a great view of the horizon from my apartment tho, and I get to see the sunset in all of its colorful glory. Thank goodness for quality sunglasses, or my eyes woulda burned outta my skull months ago.

So im sittin here.... and I hear this train honkin. Nothin new. I will ignore you noisy train. The guy drivin the train is friggin LEANIN on it tho. I begin to get annoyed. Still.... I will ignore you noisy train. You will not suceed where others fail daily. After like 5 minutes of continued honkin tho... i had to look. I was angry by this time. The horn was much louder than usual. I was greeted by the sight of like 300 odd people milling about in the parking lot across the street. A firetruck had all of its lights goin. I saw a train covered in christmas lights and corporate endorsments. Then a guy came on a loudspeaker, talked to the crowd, one of the train cars opened up, and a band started playin christmas carols! I listened for a while to "Holiday traaaaaaaaaaain..... holiday traaaaaaaain... bringin you christmas cheer and some other shit." It was terrible. I closed my windows, they cranked up the volume. I pictured how cold the guitar players fingers must be (its like 150 below right now, and the wind is sharp...) and i got my own little dose of christmas cheer. That guy must be dedicated to the holiday train in the worst way.

This friday is gonna be my big exam. Most likely there will be a test tommorow too. I wont study for it. I try not to study for the quizzes... even though they are worth 7 percent each. That way I get a "real feel" for how well I understand the material. Exams and midterms are study fests tho.

Soooo... to reduce my commitment to my pathetic little site, I have decided to post well known flash animations and games.

Singin Fish! hehe.... watch how nervous he is when he sings "like a virgin"

Bush Aerobics! Yeah.. this is lame... but makin him do number 7 followed my number 2 over and over again gives me a giggle

100 Grand! aaaaaaaahahahaha.... this would seriously suck... i love the laughin Djs at the end.

Ps... even tho all these links point to vickysjokes, vicky gets no credit, cause she didnt make any of these.. ive seen em before, but its nice to find all of em in the same place... cuts down on my bookmarks ;)


Sometimes... HTML really needs to suck my dick. I HATE TABLES.
I have a new haloscan button, and I wanna hide it. I wanna put it down at the bottom with my blogger button. Right underneath it.
Help me. While you are at it, help me to fix the bug with the line seperating the posts from the links. Sometimes it has a white border, and I dont know what I did.
If you can... take a look at my source, and point me in the right direction.
Ive added to the links to the right again. Single clickin on em should let you listen to what im listenin to, if you have winamp installed.
Also added a comments section under every post. Not too sure how well it will work tho, hopefully everything pans out. You can even post as a guest, but if you fuck with my page in an attempt to ruin it, I will ban your IP. Ill do it... I dont have a Tv.
A few thoughts on J Lo, if you will.

She never exposes her skin to the sun if she can help it. She is an anti-tanning booth advocate.

Instead, she paints her skin so it will look tan. I can imagine her stepping into her skin booth, and pressing a button signaling her crack team of mad scientists to spray her with the paint. Thats disgusting. Would she wash off? Such is a tragic case of too much money crossed with too much ego.

This year she stole a cut from the Beatnuts "Watch Out Now." Ok... she stole the whole beat, and then sang over top of it, mixed with some rap guy.

Lots of artists do this, use existing beats and remix them. Its a huge practice, and often boosts sales. Some of the mixes are pretty good. Almost always tho... artists ask permission before taking cuts. Fact... its the LAW that you have to do so. Huge lawsuits are filed every year for stealing music.

J Lo is bigger than any petty lawsuit tho... she could pay what the beatnuts would win in a second.

Watch out now is itself a sample of Herbie Man's Hijack, and was released just three years ago.

J Lo dont care tho... shes huge... a movie star and platinum selling "musician."

This aint the first time she stole beats neither...aint if funny is a rip off of Craig Macks flava in your ear. Her Im gonna be allright is a rip off of Luniz I got 5 on it Yer gonna need Real player to view these tho.

Fuck J lo.

Joke of the week: If I have a rooster and you have a donkey, and your donkey bites off the feet of my rooster, what do you have?

Two feet of my cock in your ass. aaaaaahahahahaha

This is most interesting. I am reminded of that jack handy quote. When im just sittin there, mindin my own business, and I see a black animal looking thing screetch across the floor and attack your face, I have to wonder... what the hell was that?

Selling your mildy disabled daughters body for beer is probably going to send you to hell.

Ever seen Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory or whatever that trippy assed movie is called? Apparenly its deeper than you thought. This doesnt improve it by much tho.

This is sweet. Even sweeter when I discovered that I could change the type of music playin. Pick Hiphop, and track two. Beat my score of 13475.. max combo 142. Ill send you a t shirt.


Tonite I attended the 1st annual Christmas party for the CPA / CSTN students. It was at the shiners club, and all the drinks were $2.75. I heard they were two dollars last year, if this was an exageration, or a greedy swipe from them dirty shiners, I dont know. It certainly wasnt an attempt to curb drunkenness. Many of the attendants got totally smashed. Like I mean retarded ripped that I havnt gotten in like..prolly almost a month. I certainly tried, but unfortunately the call of "free food" was much too strong. The appeal of other peoples cooking increases when you cook yer own fuckin food two or three times a day. I ate probably twice as much as any of the others at the table. Subsequent applications of alcohol were in vain, as the massive pile of food in my stomach must be able to absorb alhocol quite effectively. After having puked on 5 beers on saturday, I was in top form tonite. Drinking made me tired. Wish I coulda gotten loaded and danced around like all the rest of em, but tommorow morning soon will come, so to speak. I feel midly drunk. I met a woman tonite who has a plethora of problems. All of which she was more than happy to relate to me. Nice lady, beyond lonely. Her story was tragic, in that she seemed effected by a never ending chain of physical problems, resulting from two car accidents. I was trying to stay positive throughout our situation, but the answer to my question about her cane was depressing. She made me almost sorry to ask, but that once again, I learn that my life aint that bad.

I had to watch this twice, before I had any semblance of understanding.

An easy test to see if you are gay.

Apparently, in some areas of the world, advertisers have figured out how to use the windows messenger service (not to be confused with MSN messenger) which is an administrative tool for windows, to send spam. I myself have never recieved any of this type of spam. Take a look on the bottom of the page for a sample. This would be hell.

Havin some serious Deja Vu action. Like I dreamed this before. Sitting like this, typing the way I am, the way the table is placed, the colours of my bed. The feeling that winter is coming, of christmas around the corner. I couldnt have dreamed this, though if I did, it was a pleasant memory. Trancendent. I betcha that I never wrote down a deja vu before.

Yes, I know that laughing at religious material could be considered wrong, but I still find the following funny, in an uncompromising religous way. I still do not believe that the bible was meant to be taken as literally as it is. The instructions for living our lives, as per instucted by god, are like 2000 years old. Translated and interpreted. I mean...cmon. How many christians understand the bible and its messages? Different conclusions to the stories, or in some cases, strict accordance and belief in the literal message, are possible through different christian sects. The two major factions are the Catholic, and the Protestant church. The catholic church is lead by a man called the pope, who interprets the messages from the bible in a traditional, literal manner, and dictates the belief of the catholic faith. Catholics adhere to a regimen of religous requirements, inluding confession. Protestants have no such thing. The leaders of their church prefer to teach the general message of the bible, rather than the literal message. Historically, they represent a segment of the population that protested certain religious stances. The protestant faction is spit further, into numerous other factions. The catholic church apologized to Gallileo not too long ago, dont forget. I mean... cmon. They also approved the use of condoms as a way to prevent STD's but they dont approve them for contraception. Good for all those aids infested catholic africans. Way to be on the ball there, pope! I demonstate my contempt. The first time I went to a catholic church was when I was like 5. It was entirely in latin. I was a smart kid. What the shit is that? In LATIN? who speaks latin? I remember not understanding why anyone would want to pay attention. Dont get me wrong... the catholic church was proabably a good idea. It just that over the last 1500 years, it has been influenced by man, while it is preached as canon. Child abusing catholic priests. BOY abusing catholic priests. With power comes temptation. In its day, the catholic church has been very powerful indeed. I apologize if you are catholic, and disagree with my opinions. In the eyes of your church, I am a pagan heathen sinner. I am going to hell. How can I like your church? I would like to have the faith that some of your members do though. Even if many are hypocritical. Child abusing priests make the baby jesus cry.


Here is another Micheal Jackson article. Why? Because I have a morbid fascination with him. Thats why.
Ok listen. Things are about to get seriously fucked up.
The world as we know it will change, and technology will rule.
I know... this has all been said before. In the seventies, people thought that we would have flyin cars by now. They took did too many drugs.
Remember... your grandparents grew up without TV. Without electronic banking. Without computers.
Remember... the speeds at which microprocessors do things doubles every year. That means that the 2 ghz high end systems this year will be replaced with 4ghz next year. Then 8ghz. Then 16ghz. See where im goin? The world is already connected somewhat by the internet. Wait till wireless becomes popular. Pcs will replace Tvs, vcrs, and stereos. Cell phones will replace bank cards. My first computer was almost 50 times slower than my current one. That was 7 years ago. 7 years from now, my PC will be 50 times faster then my current one. 50 FUCKIN TIMES. Microprocessors are small enough to be mixed into paint. You can change the color of your walls through your pc. Woven into clothing. Injected into the bloodstream. All connected through wireless broadband. The phone companies know this. They control broadband right now. They control it, becuase it will replace telephones. Long distance will become a thing of the past, and your phone will connect to your PC.

Everything will become connected wireless. Everything. Yes, you hear stories and rumors... but guess what? It will all happen. I promise.
Remember the ole 486? remember playin doom? (if not.. dont worry) remember when the pentium debuted? Remember the leaps and bounds that technology has taken since that time? (Bout 7 years... all the technology changes) You know what? The next step is just around the corner. Intel will release the Itanium soon.

Think of it in terms of console systems, like me. Remember nintendo? Remember how totally awesome that was? How amazing?
Then Super Nintendo. That shit was the bomb... we thought it would end there. Then the playstation. Then the playstation 2. Then the Xbox.
Each system moved gaming in leaps and bounds. Cooler graphics, cooler games, better(?) control.

Ok... now imagine the microprocessor having a similar effect on the whole world. Since the debut of the pentium, we have cell phones, electonic banking, personal satellite Tv... the internet in homes... high speed internet.....console emulation....music as free mp3's... the list goes on.
The Itanium should be here next year... or the year after that. And shit is gonna go fuckin nuts.

Yeah... Im a geek... but geeks will rule soon. The meek shall inherit the earth and all that. Marxism comin true in a way that none of us expected.
Im glad i was born when i was. Prolly wouldnt have minded bein in medieval times either tho. Takin a club and bashin someones head in for lookin at you funny, just cause you were bigger sounds like a good time. Oh... here is a weak little google link. I talk alot of shit without proof, it seems. This is just the tip of the berg tho.. i swear.


Seriously folks... if you arent using the Mozilla browser... then start now.
I use IE for updating my site only, but sometimes i forget, and end up surfin with it too. Popups every fuckin where.
It drives me crazy... but I remember not really carin till I switched to mozilla. Didnt even notice, really..... I sure notice now.
That popup shit drives me up the fuckin wall.
Fuck Micro$oft. Use Mozilla
If you are gonna BE a child molester?
Dont LOOK like a childmolester.
Stolen shamelessly from Mimi Smartypants :)
WHO ARE you?
My name is Peter.

If you went to Nicaragua, you'd be called Pedro. Are Pedro and Peter one person or two?
One,because I am only who I am.

Are you a name?
No, of course not.

Then who are you?
I am a man.

You mean you are not a woman?
No. I mean that I am a man.

But you are only a man because you are not a woman. Who are you?
I am an Englishman.

If you went to Japan, would you be a Japanese man?

Because I was born in England and I speak English.

If you had been born in England but raised in China, would you be Chinese or English?
I would be English.

Oh, then, you are not a person, rather you are a country. Who are you?
I am the grandson of a famous Arctic explorer. He returned from the North Pole with a frozen polar bear in the hull of his ship.

And which do you think you are defined more by, your grandfather or the polar bear?
How could I be defined by my family? I'm just me.

Then you are more like a single polar bear?
No. I am an intelligent, accomplished man. That's what everyone says.

Now, let me see: you are Peter who is intelligent and accomplished and special because your grandfather was a famous Arctic explorer. What else sets you apart?
My youngest daughter is a world-class gymnast and my mother died when I was a child.

Ah, you are Peter the tragic, Peter the successful. Which would you say is the real you: a motherless son or the father of a successful daughter?
Both are within me.

Where do you mean?

I mean, is this within you closer to your head or your toes?
Perhaps in between. Closer to my heart.

It's a feeling?

How big is it?
I'm not sure.

What color is it?
It doesn't have a color.

A form?

But it's inside you?

If we cut open your heart, could we see it?
I don't suppose so.

Then where is it?
I don't know.

Are you sure it is inside you?
Where else could it be?

Look again. Come here. Look in the mirror. Do you see intelligence? grandfather? accomplishment? gymnast?

Do you see English?

Do you see Peter?
I don't know.

Good. Now we can begin.

*This was what made me stop and seriously wonder if a little spirituality in my heathen life would offer up some answers.*
As I mentioned earlier... or not.... im thinking kinda seriously about buddism. Seems much more tangible then any religion ive been exposed to.
Wanna learn more? click here. Dont get me wrong.. itll be quite a while, if and when I do decide to convert. For now, ill content myself with reading about it, without making life changing descisions.
Mommy.... where do weblogs come from?
from blogger of course... ive told you.. even though we hide our blogger button rather cunningly here at yes indeedily.
Wanna see the birth of a weblog? Heres Jen-ay... and her brand spankin new candied worms!.
(Title subject to change, im sure)
This is amusing, for those of us that grew up in the nintendo age.
Be sure to click "next item" and read the good, the bad and the ugly of nintendo. Ahh memories.
Found some more free games... here is a neato little jetpack game, though it is hard as shit.
Scott showed me this one, and I wasted much of saturday morning with it.
Miniworld is yet another massive site with lots of time wasting goodness.

Here is an emulator for the supernintendo, and if you register at this site, (free) you can download a ton of games that we used to pay upto 80 bucks for.
Yay free, yay wastin time!
Ha ha..
I DARE you to read all that :)
Heres a more thought out version of what I typed. I posted this to a discussion forum today... (I am a big fat geek. please dont be surprised)
So the references to Xannon and Silver Fox should just be ignored. (Xannon! Silver Fox????... cmon... there are bigger, fatter geeks than me..)
And the forum cencored me... so if there should be a swear, just insert it yerself.

School has gotten busy, and as of late, I have been lurking, rather than posting. This is a great thread... worth much more to those reading than most of the "discussions" happening here.

I left stating that my religious beliefs were complicated. Did some soul searchin, and found out they really arent.

I feel one has to look at all religions in a historical context, to try to fully understand the messages of God. Three of the worlds major religions share the same God. They are backwards compatible in many ways, but hardly forwards. Kinda like Windows, in a way. Islam gives a nod to Moses and Jesus, but focuses on the prophet Mohammed. Christians reject the idea of a prophet after Jesus, in the same manner that Jews reject the idea of Christ as the Messiah. These three major religions are the ones that cause wars. Not the only ones... but they have caused a great deal of em. Why? because they are uncomprimising.

Or so they claim. If religion was truly meant to be uncomprimising, then God would have sent clearer instructions, IMHO. What we have is a collection of books, all written by Proxy, filtered and tranlated thoughout the ages. The Torah and Koran are by far more accurate than the modern bible, from this standpoint.

The books contains details on how we are to worship. They dont tell us to build massive golden churches, and have popes, and all that. The details of what we are supposed to do exactly are sketchy at best. That is not to say that the major religious books arent crammed full of conventional and inconventional wisdom. What it IS to say is that..... Gods choice of writing by proxy has exposed his words to the power of interpretation.

There are many factions of the major religions, all with their own interpretation of the bible. If you arent roman catholic, then you arent following the rules as written. If the protestant church (Ill try and stick to christianity so you can all follow) is entitled to its own interpretation of the word of God... then why arent I? It is NOT written in the bible.. that one should only read the bible, and discount other religious books as a load of rubbish.

Much of what happens in the bible is deeply metaphorical. It is not without meaning, but it is without literal meaning. Whoever posted that they have absolute faith in the bible... I mean no offense, but you are a fool. Read the bible before claiming such absolute faith. God does not require blind faith, or uninformed faith. Nor does he even demand uniformed faith. Just faith.
For example... here is the book of revelation in convienent comic book format. Take a look at the visual interpretation of one man.
Be aware that if you will go straight to hell, (moreso if you are catholic) if you laugh at the words of God. You will have to admit.. it is difficult. I seriously do not believe that we were intended to take this literally.

Xannon... though you seem rather well informed, I highly doubt you have read the original bible either. The original is long gone, after all. It is nice that those jewish priests have kept the Torah accurate.. and that the dead sea scrolls contain some of the old testament. The new testament is what Christianity is based on, and was written not by Jesus, but by four other people, many years after his death. They recounted their experiences from memory, and as such, we have different takes on the same situations. It is harder for me to take the New testament as Canon in the face of this. The whole system stinks of interpretation. Again.. that is not to say it is without worth.

If I am to be free to interpret Gods messages for my own, then I will. I will examine all of the worlds major religions, take what I think applies to me, and form my own beliefs. In this, I am not unlike Silver Fox. Buhhdism speaks to me quite strongly. It is not based on worship persay, but instead on self improvement. I acknowledge the existence of a God, but I also acknowledge our, as humans, incapability to fully understand the word of this God. Organized religion ammounts to taking the interpretation of another.
I dont think this is what God intended. Then again... who cares how I think?

Form your own opinions, never stop questioning, attempt to find your truth.

You could start here ... if you wanted :)

Been doin alot of thinkin lately. Religion has never been my thing. My parents tried to goto church every sunday, to expose their children to the inherited religion. When we were old enough to complain though, that all stopped. They allowed my brother and I to make our own descisions on religion, and in doing so, released us from our religous duties. My grandparents belong the presbyterian church in Collingwood. My great grandparents were members as well. I come from a long line of protestant, presbyterian Christians.

Times have changed. Religion plays a smaller role in the lives of the masses, being discarded in favour of science. People simply disregard religion because it is inconvienient. Religions impose certain restrictions on an individual, and many are unwilling to be restricted. Some religions are unyielding in their interpretation of Gods words. All are based on real people and events from history.

When one examines the worlds major religions from a historical perspective, it becomes apparent that the men that these religions revolve around, came at different times. It is easy to reject a religion that is pressed upon you, and group the other choices in a like category. For instance... you cant be a jew and a christian at the same time. The jewish God is the same god as the Christian. It is the God of Islam. 3 of the 5 major religions revolve around the same deity. Judaism is based upon the teachings of Moses. The ten commandments, and the laws of God. In the old testament, a messiah was promised, to bring salvation to the Jews. Christ was seen by some to be the messiah, and by others he was seen as a loon. The jews that didnt believe nailed him to a cross, eventually spawning Christianity. Chistians recognize Moses as a part of their teachings, the Jewish will not. Jews are still waiting for their messaiah. Let em wait, I say... they missed the boat by nearly 2000 years. Stupid Jews.

First came Zoraster. He is credited with "making up" the first monotheistic religion. That is to say... he brought the concepts of one God, and one devil, to the people. Then came Socrates. He encouraged men to think for themselves, to seek truth. While he did not start a religion persay... he most probably started science, which plays devils advocate to nearly all of the major religions. Then came Bhudda. His take on how the world works spawned a huge following, even though it revolves self improvement, not worship. Then came Judaism. This is where God handed down rules to his people, and promised the coming of a savior. Then Jesus came, preaching love and forgiveness, over strict application of biblical rules. Then the prophet Mohammed came, preaching the teachings of Moses, the teachings of Jesus, and new, appended rules, for man to follow. He spawned Islam, easily the largest religion in the world.

While the Torah (the book of the jews) has been kept in its original hebrew text, the original Torah has been lost many times, and the current version is certainly innacurate.
The bible has been translated, retranslated, appended and edited, so that its real meaning is lost. The bible is for the most part, a load of shit.
The Koran (the book of the muslims) has been kept in its original tongue, and the Koran of today is exactly as it was written originally. It offers the most accurate message from God.

Gods choice to reveal himself though proxy only presents many problems. By allowing others to write his words, they are subject to the impurity of interpretation. What is written in these books isnt, presumably, to be taken literally. A quick read of the book of revelation (now in convienient comic book format!) should tell any christian that the messages are metaphorical in nature, and as such, extremly susceptible to interpretation. If one is allowed to interpret the words of God for themselves... what good is religion? Its convienient. These books are tough to read. Ive tried on three seperate occasions to read the bible. Harder than tolkien.

I have been asked about my religious beliefs, and I have been determined of late, do find out what I really truly, do believe.
I know I believe in God. I remember when my faith was affirmed. It was watching a movie in my 12th grade astronomy course. It dawned on me... that while science has provided a detailed guide to the world as we undersand it, it provides micromanaged theories only. While we can explain the composition of matter down to the smallest units we can find, the explanation for the big picture amounts to a big explosion, with a billion bajillion coincidences following to create the world we know. Sounds flaky to me. Boom!................then all of a sudden we have a planet revolving perfectly around a burning ball of gas, inhabited by sentient life forms that are convieniently dependent on the atmospheric conditions present. Math and its applications. Anatomy. Ever though about what exactly is going on in your body at a given time? All that blood pumpin, those lungs expandin, that brain producin its chemicals? Amazing considering the whole system WORKS!

I acknowledge the existence in a God. I will not follow his words, as heard through someone elses ears. I feel that if I am allowed to interpret the words of God for myself, then I will.

Im not quite sure where I was going with this, but im sure it was important.