
Goin home for a week.
Hoo friggin ray, about friggin time.
Just gotta pass this midterm tommorow.
The worst of American Idol is on. Crazy americans....
Lots more fun that watchin the BEST of american idol tho.
And that simon character? Love him. Yeah, hes a dick.... but at least hes honest.
Honest in his insulting that is.... investing millions of dollars into someone with marginal musical talent (can sing = yes... looks good = yes.... can WRITE MUSIC=NO)
is a dirty, dirty thing to do. Course... its worked in the past, and honest musicians be damned. Garth Brooks anyone?
Anyway... goin home. Dont expect no posts for at least a week. Dont expect no good speakin neither...yous guys never learned me how ;)
Yeah so... I know dreams are boring... but last nite was real fun. First dream Ive had for a long time that didnt have my dad in it too.
First off....a little classroom battle. I was a part of a group of superheros, my particular power was supposed to be electricity. Some of my school friends were there, as well as home friends, and they all had their own powers as well. Least we THOUGHT we did....

When our first supervillian came to see us... (in our own base, nonetheless) none of us could figure out how to work our powers.
The villian sure could tho... he had the power of sand (like thats gonna help buddy) and kicked our asses for a short period of time. Then someone had a great idea.... spray him with the fire extinguisher yo! That took away his powers. We spent the next half hour or so (how do you know how long time really takes in a dream?) smashing his face in with the fire extinguisher. Violent yes, satisfying as well. Not too clear on what my brain was trying to work out here.

This was only the beginning. The rest of my dream involved a long journey through the wilderness (in the summer, sans bugs... yay!) trying to escort a bunch of refugees somewhere. Just about everyone I know played a part in some way or another, either good or bad.
I had the chance to have an ideological argument with the leader of our troop, a massive sword fight with a good guy turned bad, and gave AR to a baby that had almost drowned.

I woke up cheery and confused, cause this dream was as vivid as it gets. I had been believing in my make believe world so absolutely, that the alarm waking me made me mad. Mostly cause its cold out now, instead of the nice, swimmable setting my dream was in.... but also partly cause i really liked havin a sword.

Sometimes dreams make my day... lately they do not. Nothin like wakin up happy though, even if a bit angry and dissapointed.


This made me cry. Johnny Cash puts the emotion to Trent Reznor's songwriting, and the result is moving. At least to me it was. Course.... just about everything makes me cry these days :) I sure do miss home.

Interestingly enough (or not) this was to be my first post after coming back from my Dad's funeral. The link died before I could post it, and I wasnt able to. Not until now, have I come across it again. Enjoy.
You know what I just saw on the news?
I saw a dozen native women that walked 579 kilometers from Attawapescat to Cochrane through the bush.
They did this because the provincial government closed the only addiction treatment center in Attewapescat.
One woman ignored a doctors orders to stop, due to blisters and frostbite.
They did it to raise donations, and to get the attention of the government. Did it work?
Certainly not. The Province wasnt even there to greet them at the end. Instead, they sent a message that they were working hard at a solution.

Have you noticed how fucking cold it is? Id wager that 99.9% of all politicians that tried something like this would die.
This is the toughest thing I have heard of in a while. These are some strong, strong women.
Im glad that Earnie Eaves found the time to get on TV and make a bunch of bullshit commercials, but couldnt send ONE goddamn person to greet these women after 32 days in the Northern Wilderness. Just IMAGINE being outside for the last 32 days.
This makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. Governments suck.
I been having dreams about my Dad. They are always quite vivid, and he never talks. The latest was just him and I, camping on some remote lake, skipping stones. I was so happy just to be spending time with my dad. Then I wake up. Sigh. Imagine that.

Im not too sure what these things are supposed to be... horses maybe... whatever..they sing real good!

A little late, but its a good shot of CRAYZEEEE Mike Tyson's new tatoo.
A little less late... but the newest reality show might feature our favorite crazy rapist canibal boxer!

This is some pretty tough stuff... and woulda been the absoulte SHIZNIT in the seventies.... 3d Pong

Relections!.... I can get to level 15... can you?

The official.... Junkyard Wars GAME!!!! .......sweetness...

Less fun... but still worth a click...Virtual Paper Planes

Flash goodness... dirty flash goodness :) Tantric Teddies

Some sweet flash animation OrbenTov

The 10 most Technically Advanced cars of 2003 take a look at....the near future

Noone even knows who the president of this country is... too bad it aint the US.... (just kiddin... please dont shut my site down, FBI)

Barcadi DJ studio....If you only have one click to give, let it be this one. Pure fun.


Ho ho!
What do you think?
Colors, massive amount of posts on the front page, etc. etc. etc..
Hmm.... now the chinese ad is gone.
So anyway... im at school yesterday, and figure I may want to check out my stats.
So I type http://yesindeed.blogpsot.com into the adress bar. I am taken here.
Check it out... a religious warefare site with an adress one character off of mine.
They look to get about 10 signatures a day in their guestbook....If you have time, tell em what you think of their site.... adress stealers....
what in the mother crap is this?
I get some of my colors fixed.
I start to feel as though I can once again do this.
I now have TWO ads at the top of the page!!!
One is a permanent link for learning Mandarin chinese in three hours?
You seriously cant learn mandarin in three hours. Its like the hardest language in the world to learn period.
That aside... two ads are twice as bad as one. Anyone feel like givin me the 15 bucks i need to get rid of em?


Biggest (link) post ever--------------------------------------->
Lego movie trailer
Grey Bruce Stream listing Good place to find internet radio stations... AND.... IM FROM GREY BRUCE!
Outsmart Shakira! I sure hope so...
Hammer Time... Hes a preacher or somethin now, and bics his head
The longest song EVER
Natsuo.. speaks english in a strange way...
Ravings of a madman
Viagra x 18!

Last year:
Man killed by unkown animal
Most addictive game ever (High end)
Sacriligeious humor
More Sacriligeous humor
Freak spiderwebs
Shooter game... really much to hard...
Santas Balls via scott
Tennage Biker Gerbils from hell

Still havin troubles posting...ill leave the rest for later

I have tried to post four times already. BAD blogger...
Bob is no longer, my server exam went well. This is the third time in a row I have tried to post. I am loathe to rethink all of my ideas.
Layout needs finishing. Something is slowing down access times, I am sure it is either the comments or the tracker. Tracker goes first, all its told me is that most people that randomly happen upon this site are looking for porn. There is no, and never has been any porn on this site. It would appear that simply printing the word porn on the internet brings random search hits. Three more times cant hurt, I guess ;)

Profile page needs creating, as has needed it for sometime...as pointed out by Jay. Check out his Jayzoo, just had a layout change to my knowledge. Check out the movies and games sections, seriously great fun.


Goodness... no posting = no readership!
bear with me... school is hard.


Ok... the archives will never be the same. I cant recover November or December to the page, but I can still read the months in my blogger.
I think I will put together all of the best posts from last year, and make one giant post out of it. Shame to waste all that writing....but things are different now.
I realize now, that people visit this page, for one reason or another. I am infinitely more proud of my new layout, simplistic as it is. Before I was using a modified template.
Ill consider this the rebirth of my site, though it is taking far longer than I had hoped. Oh well... more to come soon.


Woke up this mornin... duh naaaah nah nuh....everythin as usual. Leaving my apartment however, my next door neighbor appeared at his door, and asked if I had a windows98 cd. I told him I did, but being in a hurry for the bus, he would have to wait until i got home from school. He came to get it later this evening, and we got to talking. His views on reality were interesting, to say the least. Everything he claimed was, in essence possible, and he admitted that most people wouldn't be able to comprehend the big picture he was presenting at first glance. I have never met anyone with beliefs such as he, but one thing he said in particular caught my ear.

I have heard the phrase; "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but instead spiritual beings having a human one." from three different mouths in the last two weeks. The first was on the day I came back from Collingwood, on Oprah, from the mouth of an author of a Zen book... he was a very good speaker, and this phrase stuck in my mind. I have been repeating it over and over, while I clean my apartment, or while I am doing my dishes. It seemed such a perfect sentance, and I was determined not to forget it.

I next heard it yesterday from the mouth of Talib Kwali, the first lines in the first track of a CD I ripped from Scott.
"I aint a human being into no spiritual shit, a spiritual being manifested as a human, thats it"
I mean.. Ive heard it probly 20 times before, but i never really HEARD it before, you know?

Then my neighbor says it. By the time that he left, my head was spinning. Though I had planned to do a bio page, I dunno now. I think to do that would be to ask myself what I believe, and to do that is gonna take alot more work than I thought. Decided to go and meet another neighbor tho, turned out to be a Mac user, second I have ever met. Both of em love their computers... maybe I should look into the Mac further..
Goodness goodness.... here the hits are just pouring in, and what you get is a half lame kinda version of what once was.
Ill try and get the archives back up and working, and a REAL profile page up... then ill resume regular posting. You should see the amount of stuff i have collected over the past week. Rather, you will see the stuff i have collected, as soon as i get off my lazy ass and post it.

Aside.... how do you like the new layout? Had some help from Paddy, sat down and re learned HTML tables from scratch. Im rather pleased with the results. Just need to raise that 15 bucks fer the Ad-free hosting now. Also coming soon... help me get a pair of immortality rings!