
Soooooo.... Im shuttin this page thing down.
Updating has become a chore, and I enjoy it far less than I did.
Im thinkin about startin a live journal, but most likely I will just abandon my web presence, and let this page rot with the rest o useless pages out there.
Thanks to all that enjoyed, and peace in the middle east.


yes indeed
is a
Purple People-Eating Assassin Monkey

...with a Battle Rating of 9.4

To see if your Food-Eating Battle Monkey can
defeat yes indeed, enter your name:

Stole this from Bernadette and have developed the most superest battle monkey ever.
It would seem that I have very little to say lately. This will continue until I have something to say.

Daretosing is where people post their recorded songs for others to rate. Too lazy to actually visit the site? Check out Shawn Mquaid at least. Sounds like he put alot of work into this.

This is Lewd and inapropriate. Not to mention a waste of valuable time.

This is really interesting if you are a big geek like me. Or if you dont yet believe that computers will rule the world. Then robots... and we all know how that will turn out ;)

Bacteria can talk. Human race surrenders. After trying to stop them from talking, that is.

The Qur'an is a load of shit. Or... at least, it wasnt written by Allah directly.

A quick test to see if you are an Alpha male. I know I am. *Pounds chest, pees standing up*

The greatest Story EVER. Seriously.